
Dr. Tyler Buckley

Medical Oncologist

Finding cancer early is essential for how well it can be treated and for a person's overall health. Regular cancer screenings can help find cancer early and treat it better. Some of these tests are done as part of routine exams, like a lung cancer test if a person has had lung cancer in the past. Other cancer screenings are specific to a particular type of cancer, and your doctor may suggest them. A good example is a mammogram. Every year, women over 40 should get a mammogram, and men over 50 should start getting prostate cancer checks. Lastly, you should see a dermatologist annually to check for skin cancer.

Cancer is thought to be caused by several lifestyle and environmental factors. Studies have shown that changing your diet and lifestyle can stop up to 30% of cancers from happening. For instance, a healthy diet can help protect the body from the dangers of smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and being overweight. It also has phytochemicals that can help prevent cancer. By making simple changes to how you live, it's easy and cheap to prevent cancer. The first step in stopping cancer is to learn about the different kinds and make sure you know what to avoid.

Infections are also a big reason why people get cancer. For example, studies have shown that people with AIDS and HIV are more likely to get certain kinds of cancer. In the same way, people with high levels of HPV are more likely to get cervical cancer and some other types of cancer. Most of these diseases are caused by viruses, but they can also be caused by not getting enough exercise, eating poorly, or getting certain viruses or bacteria.

Eating better is one of the easiest ways to lower your risk of cancer. Unfortunately, some foods can make you more likely to get cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends a plant-based diet with many fruits and vegetables. Most people should try eating at least 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. They also say that you should limit how much processed meat you eat. If you must eat meat, choose beef, fish, or chicken with less fat.

Another way to lower your cancer risk is by getting a vaccine. Vaccines help your immune system learn how to fight cancer cells. For example, people who are more likely to get lung cancer are often told to get vaccinated. They help the immune system fight off disease by making it better at eliminating antigens. Cancer cells have these antigens.

Some vitamins and medicines can help fight cancer. For example, people know that vitamins A, C, and E can help fight cancer. You can find these supplements in most supermarkets, and they can lower your risk of getting cancer. You could also try over-the-counter medicines made from plants that can reduce your cancer risk.

Vitamins and antioxidants are also found in fruits and vegetables. According to research, multiple types of cancer may be less likely to happen if you eat more vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of nutrients that are low in calories. Some common types of cancer may also be less likely to happen if you eat more vegetables, especially cruciferous ones. For example, cruciferous vegetables can help prevent lung cancer, the most common cancer in women.

Some other ways to avoid getting cancer are to eat less trans fats and saturated fats and more omega-3 fatty acids. Eating a lot of leafy greens can also help prevent prostate cancer. Phytochemicals like lycopene, found in vegetables, have been shown to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells. It is also thought that sulforaphane protects against prostate cancer.

Getting rid of cancer is also helped by eating healthy meats. However, many health groups say that people should limit how much red meat and other processed meat they eat. Processed meat is primarily red meat that has been improved to make it taste better and last longer. Most processed meats are made from red meat but can also be made from other kinds of meat.

High levels of stress can weaken a person's immune system while they are getting treatment for cancer. Also, depression or anxiety may make it hard to get through chemotherapy treatments. A cancer patient might find writing in a journal or blog helpful. Chronic worry can make it hard to sleep, which can drain your energy.

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